50 signs you’re addicted to reading

Signs-Youre-Addicted-ReadingA friend of mine posted this link, 50 signs you’re addicted to reading, on my facebook wall – basically summing up .. well.. me! I really wanted to share this with you. 🙂

I have picked out a top 15 for me as not all of them apply to me… but I also gained some tips out of this post – including ziplocking your Kindle, why haven’t I thought about that before? I probably could make a top 40 – but I want to try to keep it short and simple hehe.

Well here comes my top 15:

1 – You’re supertired at work because you stayed up way too late reading just one more chapter, and then another.

2 – You get more than a little defensive of your favorite authors.

3 – You know the book will be better than the movie before it’s out.

4 – You’ve read more books than seen movies in the last month.

5 – You’ve sunk into a state of depression after finishing a really good book (also called a “book hangover”).

6 – You’ve made your love of reading permanent. (Yes that’s my own arm and my tattoo ^_^)
2014-04-27 09.45.28

7 – You always have at least two books ready to read once you finish one.

8 – Almost every day you think at one point “I’d rather be reading.”

9 – You start to ration your reading when a book you love nears the end.

10 – When the ending of a book is bad, you take it really personally.

11 – Sometimes you sound like a broken record trying to convince your friends to read your favourite book.

12 – You’ve definitely fallen in love with characters in a book before.

13 – You have multiple editions and versions of your favorite books.

14 – You ALWAYS have a book on you . . . just in case. – Or in my case my Kindle is always with me

15 – You’ve yelled at loved ones for bothering you while you were reading.

There are definitely a few more that apply to me – but I think these 15 sums it up for me haha!

Are there any signs you fall in with reading as a passion? Let me know!

2 thoughts on “50 signs you’re addicted to reading

  1. Hahaa, i loved reading this! Very not me but so cool. And what a lovely book tattoo!
    Lots of reading fun. Hugs and kisses,


    • Aww thanks for the compliments! Most of these points really are me and a few aren’t 🙂 The tattoo looks amazing and suits me. It was pain, but not as much as I expected 🙂

      Hugs n kisses back!


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