Non-Bookish chat

Good morning Coffee

Good morning! Grab a coffee, maybe a biscuit or two and sit down and enjoy my first blog post in a new series called Non-Bookish chat. I will take you through my ‘exciting’ life from the past week…. Why did I put excited between brackets? Well… it is because I do work full time so when things might look exciting to me, it might just be a hmpf moment for someone else haha!
Why would I like to chat to you about non-bookish things on a bookblog? Well it is because I think I have lots to share or at least let you know my thoughts and feelings about what I encounter on a daily basis. I am after all still a Dutch citizen living for the past 7 years in the UK and for the past 3 years here in Aldershot, the home of the Military!

But I feel like I am almost losing your attention already, so let’s get to it!


Thursday I made my Meatballs – yes meatballs! What is so special about them? Well I made them from scratch on my own recipe with some help from Blond Amsterdam cooking book – these are called Gran’s Meatballs! I made these with 500gr mincemeat, 70% pork and 30% beef, throw in some milk, egg, breadcrumbs, onion and garlic and voila you have created these amazing meatballs! The smells were amazing and the approving sounds from 2 squaddies made my day ^_^

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